Curriculum and Instruction
OUR MISSION: The Carmel Central School District educates the whole student through partnerships to become lifelong learners in an ever-changing world.
OUR VISION: We embrace individuality, provide opportunities for students to discover and pursue their passions, and ignite a desire to learn.
- Students are the priority
- Individuals thrive when they feel safe, supported and respected
- Community partnerships are essential
- Trust is fundamental
- Every person has intrinsic value
- High expectations are imperative
New York State Standards
We offer relevant curriculum and instructional practices utilizing expertise, resources, and technology, all grounded in the standards of New York State.
New York State Standards:
New York State Assessment System
The New York State Education Department provides a comprehensive assessment system. Students are tested for:
- English Language Arts and Mathematics: Grades 3-8
- Science: Grades 4 & 8
- Regents Exams: Grades 8-12
Information on the state assessment system can be found on the Office of State Assessment website.
Welcome to Our District Wide Read!
As part of our Strategic Plan, it is our mission to align our district mission, vision, and 6 C's to our curriculum and instructional practices within the classrooms. This past February, our district participated in reading one text, Strictly No Elephants. We identified 2 of our 6 C's, Compassion and Citizenship, that were our focus throughout the event.
Our students and staff enjoyed the text and continued the theme of "kindness" throughout the spring with projects, signs, hallway decorations, and much more! Please see our focus questions and projects that are included in the Power Point below.